Saturday, November 20, 2010

School Holiday

For those who don't have any kids at school yet and not knowing what happen in school, well just to let you know that it's SCHOOL HOLIDAY!!!

As I wrote this, it's been 4 days now. And to tell you the truth, I miss my kiddos. I wonder how they are doing now.

Anyway, I do not have any plans on how to spend my holidays. A month and half is not a long time. By the time you get used to get up late in the afternoon, eat junk food, bela perut, you realize that you have 2 days more to school. I mean for new term (2011).

But fear not, my school has already planned something for my holiday.

Yes, my lovely school who is so concerned that the teachers don't have anything to do to spend the holiday.

The school has organised few meetings during November.

Which the only meeting that I remember is next week.

I have English Panel Meeting on the 25th of November then another two to three meetings which I can't hardly remember of.

I also have to conduct an extra class on the 12th December for Year 5 kids.

So there goes my holidays.

But it's ok.

That's what we call "Pengorbanan" or "Sacrificer"


Happy holidays to all teachers and pupils!

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