Friday, December 31, 2010

new domain

hye all

kindly visit me at this site:

Thank you for being such loyal readers, if I have any ;p

Till then.

Bye :)


oh hello peeps :)

sory for the lack of updates.

I have nothing to write nor to share so deepest apologize.

Anyway, I am changing my blog domain.

Yes I know for the gazillion times, I've keep changing my blog domain.

It's still under construction though and i keep thinking whether or not i exported all my previous entries to the new site.

anyhow, thanks for keeping up with me :)

and happy 2011 too :) hopefully you're going to have good year ahead darls!

p/s: insyallah i will update the link here. insyallah :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kurang tenang


"Hari ni hati ni masih kurang tenang.

Hati ini merasa sakit, pedih.

Hati ini merasa kecewa, hampa.

Namun x tahu apa puncanya."

Hormon ke yg mnyebabkn sy jd mcm ni?
Sepanjang tahun ini, this is my first time crying for no reason.
N I don't know what's the cause.
Susah nk tdo. Dh kul 4pg dh, mata msih xnk pejam.
Kalu pejam pun otak ligat bfikir, hati msih gelisah.
What's happen ha?


Monday, December 13, 2010

ohoo serabut


rs mcm nak blog. tp xtau nk blog ape.


writer's block bak kate org.

tp im not a writer.


ai so serabut todayyyy

biaselakn. ade ari kite suke ade ari kite sedeh/serabut.

x gitu?

p/s: start from now, mungkin nk blog in both languages. bm n bi :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Halu, dh pagi ke? :p

Arini nk ckp psl soal jodoh. It's easier to write in BM sb senang sikit.

Oh as I'm writing this, it's still raining outside and the mood is blues skit :p

Ok be serious.

Jodoh maksudnye teman hidup yg telah ditentukan oleh Yang Maha Kuasa.

Ade org senang dpt jodoh. Muda2 lg tengah blaja lg dh bertemu jodoh ditempat belajar.
Mudahkan? Dah x pyh nk susah2 pk psl jodoh sb dh jumpa.

Ade yg lambat sgt dpt jodoh. Dh kerja bertaun, dh cukup semua tp masih lg x berteman.
Kenape jd mcm tu, tu semua urusanNya.

To me, to be frank, saye msh lagi x bertemu jodoh. Single bak kate org.

Bile single n dh masuk alam pekerjaan, soal jodoh makin membebankan.
Rakan sekerja tanye bila nk makan nasi minyak, bos tanye ms blaja dulu xkn x de kenal2 kot?
Biasenye jawapan yg sy beri: a) nasi minyak kn byk jual. Belila xpun meh sy blanje dn b) x,
Sibuk blaja mane smpt nk cr.

Namun, mlm ni biarla sy bterus_terang. Sy sedar sy ni tiade rupe. Rendah. Sedikit berisi n pendiam. Itu dulu ye skrg ni dh byk ckp since dh keje. Sy ni bukanla jenis yg lelaki minat. Entahla mungkin sifat sy- peribadi n fizikal yg mengehadkn lelaki untuk mendekati sy. Sy pnah mmpesoalkan kenape sy x mudah utk mendapat teman lelaki mcm kwn2 yg lain. Lalu sy mmbuat konklusi bhw mungkin kerana ketiadaan rupe n ketinggian ditmbh dgn kelebaran bdn mmbuatkan sy Keseorangan sedgkn kwn2 sy semua diulit kebahgiaan.

Sy sedih. Tp xpela. Lps tu sy cube bkenalan secare virtual. Online dating. Pn x bjaye. Sy ingat lagi sy pnah rs punya hbgan istimewa dgn seseorg. Ms tu msih mude. Umur 18. Bdn makin naik :p x pndai bgaye. Dh lame kawan dr zaman sy msuk matrik lg. X pnah jumpe. Cume hnye ckp2 dlm phone je. Then bila dpt peluang blajar di kl, kami rncang utk btemu. Dn haritu bjumpela tp dgn diiringi kwn2. Yela, xtau jln kt kl, xtau naik lrt jd kenela bwk kwn2. Sy bdebar. Smpi je trus contact dia. Rupenye dia mnyorok. Dia dtg jmpe sy jgk tp sy tau dia kecewa. Sy x spt yg dia hrpkn. Sy jg kecewa. Kecewa dgn air muke dn cr dia lyn sy sepjg aritu. Tu adela yg ptama n terakhir sy jmpe dia. Biarlaa. Mngkin bg dia luaran itu lebih pnting dr dalaman.

Sy x serik. Masih mcari teman di virtual. Bosan kn. Cume kali ni sy bhati2. Diringkaskn, teman sy yg terakhir pn sy btmu di virtual. Umur awal 40an. Ya tua dr sy. Pd ms itu sy rs sudah bsedia dn sy rs diala jodoh sy. Mngkin sy yg pk begitu. Tp setelah mak menasihati sy, sy memutuskn hbgn dgn dia. Oh ms ni fizikal sy sudah berubah sedikit. Kurang lebar.

Jd smpi skrg sy masih single. Sy slalu bfikir, kalaula sy just settle ngan dia, mngkin sy x pyh dh nk penat2 pk psl jodoh nie. X pyh dh nk jwb ngan semua org nape x kawin lg. Senang abis cerite.

Sy amat yakin tahun depan soalan yg same mesti akan ditanye. Tp biarla jodoh blom smpi.

Sy tau Dia punya rncangan utk sy. Mungkin jodoh yg tlh ditetapkn utk sy kini bersama dgn org lain sblm dia btmu dgn sy. Ataupun mungkin dia sudah meninggal dunia dn kami akan btemu disana. Sy tidak pasti. Yg sy tahu , sy perlu bdoa dn meminta kepadaNya agar semua dpemudahkn utk sy.

Sy kepingin skali utk bkahwin. Semua pn mcm tu. Tp sy tabahkn hati sb sy pasti akan tibe harinye sy akan mndirikn rumahtngga. Cume sy x psti bila.

P/s: sorry readers kalu mengelirukan. Jump sane jump sini. Sy menulis menggunakn hp so agak pening nk bc blk semua. Tp ini adela isi hati sy yg sejujurnye. Bkn cerite rekaan.

Ok dh seme pg tido :) bye!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'll date you Edward Cullen

Hello :)

It's still raining outside and this blog is getting nonsense :p

Anyway, I'm watchin Twilight (the first one) and haven't watched the other two sequels.

Yeah I know it's lame.

But I'll wait for the Star Movies to show the movies then.

In the mean time, just wanna say (or shout)


Enjoy the rain while it last :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

To my dismay

Hye darls!

So today's topic is "to my dismay"
I notice that I've been using this phrase quite a lot.
But it's not my favourite phrase actually.
I'm just lacking of vocabulary knowledge to be honest.
And this is because I haven't done much reading.... Urggghhh!!
I'm so gonna get few books after this.
One of them is by Sarah Palin, "Going Rouge"
Really hope that I can get one copy for myself.

Or anyone wants to give it as belated birthday present?

Anyone? Hehehehe

Love you!

P/s: will not try to use or minimize the use of "to my dismay" on the next post
If any :p

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Want to shop

So the Government has deposited an amount of money (RM 500) for parents to spend on their kids' stuff to school (bantuan khas or something) and since I don't kids on my own yet, I've decided to do some shopping.

Oh hello :) Sorry forgot to greet you all.

Anyways, back to the shopping stuff, I haven't done much online shopping lately so I think tonight I wanna do some.

Which to my dismay :(

I couldn't find anything interesting, let alone to shop.

I want to buy some kain to make baju kurung or kebaya, but on the second thought I think I want to look the kain in person first and touch and feel the kain first before I purchase one.

So no kain.

Next, handbagssssss. Yes I want to buy some handbags since most of my handbags are not in good condition no more (ceh alasan jer). So I browse few bags that really caught my attention. But I don't know why, the same thinking like the first one I'm having with kain hits me back.

I have to see, belek, touch and feel the material of the bags first.

So again no bagsssssss :(

Why I'm having these feelings?

Normally I just order things that I like at the first sight, but now I kinda use my logic thinking.

Maybe online shopping is not meant for me anymore.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

unwell :(

I was not feeling any good right now.

Been throwing up for few times and big headache.

I feel so defeated right now :(

Please I want to be in good shape.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No title

So apparently I can't upload any pictures now which is to my dismay.

How I wish that I can do it since blogging would be easy for to do.

Besides, posts with pictures are more interesting, right?

Do you agree?


So I am now blogging from my lazy couch using BB


But I can't put up any picture here.

Why eh?

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I saw this handbag which less than 60 bucks

So ingat nk beli la since it was neons ago my last shopping.

But then, out of stuck la plak.

What a bummer!!!!

School Holiday

For those who don't have any kids at school yet and not knowing what happen in school, well just to let you know that it's SCHOOL HOLIDAY!!!

As I wrote this, it's been 4 days now. And to tell you the truth, I miss my kiddos. I wonder how they are doing now.

Anyway, I do not have any plans on how to spend my holidays. A month and half is not a long time. By the time you get used to get up late in the afternoon, eat junk food, bela perut, you realize that you have 2 days more to school. I mean for new term (2011).

But fear not, my school has already planned something for my holiday.

Yes, my lovely school who is so concerned that the teachers don't have anything to do to spend the holiday.

The school has organised few meetings during November.

Which the only meeting that I remember is next week.

I have English Panel Meeting on the 25th of November then another two to three meetings which I can't hardly remember of.

I also have to conduct an extra class on the 12th December for Year 5 kids.

So there goes my holidays.

But it's ok.

That's what we call "Pengorbanan" or "Sacrificer"


Happy holidays to all teachers and pupils!


Dinner was great.

Awesome actually!

Tok cooks some crabs.

Well lotssss of crabsss!!!

Ada chili crabs.

And some fried crabs too.

They were all delicious!!!!


Mud crab Scylla serrata
This is mud crab. I believe it's not the one that I had for my dinner


Halu :)

My last update was on August.

And it was three months ago.


I've not been visiting my blog since then.

Apologies in advance.

A lot of things happened.

And I believe things do happen for a (or maybe few) reason.

Anyhoo, I wish everyone the best of life.

I'm sure I'll write some more hence the time I got is pretty limited (and also the Internet connection)


Friday, August 20, 2010


Ya Allah, jika Kau mahu kembali nyawaku, lakukan lah pada bulan ini Ya Allah, bulan keberkatan, bulan Ramadhan


Starting to lose friends because of my stupidity. I'm not a good person. So forgive me. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I should be away. Take a break. So I'm sorry. Yes, I'm sorry. You decide if you want to befriends me with. If you choose not, then it's my lost. I took action based on my heart and it's not a good one. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Dear friends, sorry for my wrongdoings towards all of you,I am sorry.

Friday, August 6, 2010


This feeling is hard to deal with.

Everyone has at least one crush right?

So do I.

And now I have a crush.

But it's so complicated as I know it won't go anywhere.


Because my crush is already attached to someone else.


God, why oh why?

I have this crush?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So I just watched Lipstick Jungle..just couple of minutes ago.

And my god, I had tears on face.

I feel so connected with Victory's emotion when Joe walked away and said goodbye.

It so dejavu because I had the same experience like her.

You know, being rejected after I beg for so many times.

Though it happened two years ago, I'm still hurt.

Yes, till now =(

Friday, July 30, 2010

Another sucky yucky f***ky day

Yes I've been dishonored my blog yet again.. =(

I'm sorry. A lot of things..uneasy things happened over the course of last week.

I decided to put my blog on hold during that period of time until I can be a human again.

So school was hard. H-A-R-D!! and I've become meaner than ever before.

I don't like the environment and I think I have not been qualified to be called as a teacher.

I sucked at being a teacher.

I yelled most of the time which resulted them to hate me.

They just being disrespectful towards teachers. They are out of control.

They just don't listen to teachers anymore. They aren't afraid of disciplinary teachers which kinda odd.

I went bizarre and overwhelmed by this situation.

They are just ...... inhuman.


So last Thursday was a disastrous day.

It was an exam week and I noticed that when it came to English papers (on the last day of exam) everything always been in hang wired. Chaos!

It started with English Paper 1. No objective answer sheet was distributed to every class so I took the liberty to take in charge of it (which obviously not my responsibility but I felt because I am teaching Year 5 so I was aware with that situation).


English Paper 2: Many mistakes and yet the teacher in charge was not aware of what's happening. I didn't blame her actually. I blamed the bloodyful who set up the questions. So we (me and the teacher) did some corrections.

As it was such in ad-hoc, we missed the very important detail!

The picture didn't match with the name of place.


And double stupid cause I didn't have that teacher's phone number.

I was sooo wanna leave it like that.

But thinking that my students will be in totally bingung to answer that question, I decided to have a look. and yes they were.

So I changed the pictures (for example Package B became Package C).

And other teachers also approached me and I asked them to follow the new changes.

It was so confusing! The question was totally a BS! and I was not the one who supposed to do the changes, mind you.

I called my KP and informed her and she was shocked and as I asked her for approval (god I should have asked her beforehand) to proceed my action with other two classes.

She said just do what I want to do.

So I did.

But to my dismay, the teacher yg menjaga already made the changes..different the table!

How come? I have no idea. But at that moment there were two versions of that question.

I was like, whatever!!

It totally changed my mood for the rest of the day.

And right now, I just don't care.

I just hate that Thursday!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I f.e.e.l s.o F.U.L.L!!!

My sinful weekend


Weekend is officially over now. Well, this weekend was actually my sinful weekend. Why? Oh simply because I consumed too much food. I wonder how many the calories that I ate throughout Friday and Saturday.

So, basically I ate Mi Rebus and Meringue on Friday.

Saturday, I ate Fried Spaghetti for lunch and Meringue for dessert.

Pretty much high calories food I supposed.

Oh well, tomorrow puasa it is.

Plus I still have one day left to ganti puasa.


p/s: ohhh my stomach just hurting me!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend cooking


Hye, Happy Weekend readers =)

I rarely cook because I'm too lazy and I'm on diet. So it hinders my cooking skill to grow.

But since today is weekend, I grabbed the opportunity to cook.

Yes! Cooking is not my cup of tea, but I have the passion and interest to cook.

So today, I was so brave and cooked for my mother (father was away to Sandakan) and only two of us at home.

But it didn't stop me to cook for a king!

For lunch, I wanted to eat something soupy so the only meal that I know that I can cook is Mi Rebus. So Mi Rebus it is.

I did take some photos to put up here. But as I was just started, the battery died so no photos. Don't worry will share you the simple recipe together with photos later ya?Anyway pictures will be much interesting to look at and you will have the view on how it suppose to be like, huh?


So after we finished our lunch, I watched the AFC (Asian Food Channel) and my favourite cook was on! Rachel Allen: Bake! was one of my favourite cooking shows and it focuses mainly on dessert. The recipe was just too simple to do and quick!

So on that show, she was teaching bunch of untrained people (like me) to make meringue. Meringue is a type of dessert where you can eat with ice-cream, fruits or fruit coolies. It's so easy to do, trust me!

After I gathered the ingredients needed, I just did it and wallah! It's done!

Oh will share the recipe together with the pictures okay as I'm pretty sure that I will do it again.

So Mi Rebus for lunch and Meringue for dessert. Isn't life just wonderful? Especially it's weekend bebeh!

p/s: start to worry about the waistline. Hopefully food intake today will be washed away by the tea mix =p

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sandwich time

I'm super duper excited now because tomorrow is sandwich time!

What? Sandwich time? What is it?

Stay tuned!



The sandwich session went well. It was for English Club activity. There were 10 of us (plus teachers-in-charge) so everyone went back home with full stomach =)

So I brought a loaf of bread, a can of sardine (which I cooked a night before), slices of cucumbers, chillies, onions, lime and pepper. The other teacher also brought a loaf of bread and butter.

We referred to a recipe which I got it from a workbook. Hahahaha. I know it's so freaking damn easy to make Sardine sandwich but the initial plan was to expose them in reading simple recipe. So that's why I opted to use the recipe (of course they had to read in English).

But they only used while identifying the ingredients and later, everything became so instantly as they made this sandwich like million times beforehand. So no more use of the recipe =(

Overall we had fun! Thus I was sooo sad because I forgot to bring the camera to capture the moments. It's okay. Will do it again later.


The day I became bitchy to an old lady


I am perfectly aware that we need to talk nicely to the old folks just because they're old and have sensitive hearts. But so do they right? Old folks also need to talk in a good manner to others, especially us the youngsters so that both generations will have mutual understanding.

I've come across with so many articles, be it in the newspaper, online, magazines, saying that youngsters nowadays are losing their manners towards the young ones. But what about the other way round? The old generation who doesn't uphold the good value and manners? What about that?

Have you encountered this situation where someone who is obviously older from you talking to you in the rudest manner?

Well, I have mine. Today actually.

So, it went like this. I had to relief this class, Year 1 and everything went smoothly. Even taught them the "Sifir Siput Sedut" and finally (thank god!) the bell rang, marked that the school session was over. As I was ready to get out from the class, a random makcik whom I didn't know her at all came and approached me. Without any salam, not even saying the "Please" word, she asked for RM 18. I was so pissed off by the way she asked me (and the way she looked at me too, like I was doing something wrong). It was like "along-asking-for-money-from-stupid-people" kind of moment. She was very rude and harsh! No, I wasn't exaggerating. It really happened!

Let me give you one advise. Never messed up with English teachers because we have this some sort of attitude that only emerge once in a while. It's call "bitchy" moment. So I had my bitchy moment with her. I became so bitchy and said " bakpe sy kene bg duit ke mokciknyer?? (translate: what the hell on earth that I should give you the money??) and walked away. Not that I wanted to be a bitch and being stingy but the way she asked for RM 18 was just so inappropriate and rude.

After the incident (terus mati mood nak beli susu and dadih), I went straight to the staffroom and looking for my close colleague and told everything about what had happened. She didn't look surprise at all. Instead she said to me that it happened a lot of time. That makcik memang x malu langsung nk mintak duit ngan cikgu as if we teachers have plenty of money and cop duit macam bank ek? BS! She advised me that whenever that makcik come and ask for money again, don't bother to layan. Just walk away and never look back and try to avoid meeting her. Luckily I'm not teaching Year 1 (except for PJ).

So yeah that's my first encounter. Seriously I never thought that I would talk to an old lady with that kind of voice. I will definitely give her some money if she approaches me nicely and not being so pushy.

p/s: Didn't I tell you that I'm a teacher? Yes, a primary school teacher.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nothing to wear :(

No, I have plenty of clothes.

But not enough of traditional clothes.

I'm sick of wearing the same old clothes :(

Can I just wear a long skirt tomorrow?

Thus it would definitely be a big issue I think.

Erghhhh..I hate 5 working days!

What's for buka puasa?O


I'm fasting today..ganti puasa actually..hehehe lagi satu hari tinggal =P

And lamanyaaaaaaaaaaa nk buka puasa =(

It's 5.38pm and I got another two hours to go..

So what's for my buka puasa.

Jom mari ke dapur Cik Kiah..

# 1. Herbalife Shake

Of course I will buka puasa with my shake-shake. I like the chocolate flavor because it tastes so chocolaty. =) Just add Homesoy drink and you will have perfect taste. Yummeh!

# 2. Plain Water

3 liter of plain water add with Tea Mix with Lemon flavour :) Or maybe more :)

# 3. Air Jambu Batu Special

Special because I request for the RM 2 one. The one with asam boi. So refreshing!!

# 4. Whole Bread Chicken Sandwich

Ahhh..this should be my main course :) I bought this whole bread chicken sandwich at Roti Boy's outlet :) Got two slices. Maybe I will eat one slice and save another slice for tomorrow =)

# Jambu Batu with Asam Boi

Dessert should be Jambu batu. But it depends actually. I will alternate it with green apples if I am too lazy too koyak the skin =)

After I finish the meal, I will continue to drink plain water. Just to top up the water that I suppose to consume everyday.

Ok that's all.

p/s: lambatnyerrr..I'm drooling over the chicken sandwich =(

Wuhuuuu...excited! 2.3 kg bebeh!


I'm so super excited now =)

My weight loss program is showing great result!

By all means, a super result! Well to me la :)

As what have been mentioned in the previous post, I'm now a Herbalife user.

So just now, I went to the booth at Giant, and did the weighed in.

Gosh sumpah rs mcm dlm The Biggest Loser (Asia mahupun Australia ataupun US).

Cause there were many eyes staring at me.

I know that I'm a chubby girl, but heck no more!

I used to be a 58.5 kg girl, but two weeks after consuming Herbalife, I'm down to 56.2kg

It's 2.3 kg in just 2 weeks.

Well, some might think that it's a small number but hell yeah, at least I made it!

Just shake-shake, watch your calories intake, and exercise!

So, I still have a long run to go but my coach said that insyallah by the end of August, I will get my ideal weight.

Insyallah amin amin.

Any Terengganu readers want to join me and experience this wonderful changes?

Hehehehehe.. I'm not selling this product, just want to share the experience.

You can go to Giant and do your body analysis and ask for personal coaching.

Good luck!

Super excited now!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Dearest friends,

Especially to Fathiah, Sufyana, Ida, Amnah, Ezat, Syirah, Zatil and Nita.

How you guys been doing?

I know I have been such a bad friend.

I haven't been contacted you guys for a long time.

Honestly, I feel so awkward to contact you back.

How to start and what to say?

I have no idea =(

So if you guys happen to read this, I just wanna say that I'm so sorry for the negligence.

Really hope that we can get connected back again.

Bad Friend



Ramadhan Al-Mubarak is approaching us in less than a month. End of August I suppose.

I can't wait for Ramadhan as it is the month where I go to mosque to perform Tarawikh.

Yala, bulan apa lg kan nk buat Terawih =)

Last year, I went to Masjid Kristal almost every night to perform our Tarawikh there. We break the fast at Bbeteng, alongside the Terengganu river with spectacular view and scrumptious food.


So I expect that this year will be the same routine for us to go there. Insyallah.

Before that, I forgot that I still have two days left to ganti puasa. Huhuhuhu..

So esok kene gantila ek =(

It's okay, at least it helps my diet. teheee..

Yes or No??


Yesterday, I went to Kem Telaga Batin for a duty. Some sort of taking care the campers and all.
When I was there, I had a rare chance to have a conversation with my colleague.
You see, I'm not kind of a girl who just speak her mind to anybody. Usually, I will speak to someone who I feel connected.

And it just happen that this person is not someone that I feel the connection. Well at least not at the moment of time.

K is a workaholic and perfectionist. Nothing wrong with that. But K did mention about something that sparked my interest to have a deep conversation with K.

K mentioned that I am a YES person. Meaning, I say Y-E-S to almost everything that has been assigned for me to do. K pointed out that because of my YES-ness attitude, it is something that can eat me alive!

You see, when I have been appointed to do, let say, a work that is out of my league, instead of saying NO and turn it down, I say YES! Without knowing the effect later on, I just take it and accept it as a challenge.

Pretty blunt right?

So K thought that it would be much better if once in a while I said NO. Well K got a point there.
I need to say NO sometimes.

K worried that people might take advantage on this matter and start to pour with works that unrelated to my core business.

So K warned me about this and asked me to consider some solutions to avoid this thing from keep happening in the future.

The problem is how to say NO?

It's so hard to say the two letters since I am new to the current workplace and the youngest one (anak bongsula org kate) among my colleagues.

I need to build good rapport with others.

I know I have been pushed here and there yet my patience is still with me. But till when?

Seriously, I don't want to be the YES person forever. Something needs to be done.

Shrimp paste

Behold the Shrimp paste :)

Yes please use shrimp paste in your fried mi, fried rice or even fried spaghetti

Cause the taste is soooooooooooo damn yummylicious!

I made fried mi using this shrimp paste, and yes, it tastes delicious =p

Just beware of the use of salt. You don't want your mi to be tasted like sea water eh?

Happy trying and cooking :)

Online shopping!!


I know, it's been a trend nowadays to do online shopping.

Who don't like shopping anyway? Especially when you shop at your finger tips =)

I like online shopping especially when I do not shopping that much here due to limited selections...erghhh!!!

To the date, I spend hundreds of moolah on online shopping.

Yes I know it's a LOT of money but boy, the joy of getting parcels from mr.postman is like getting present from mr.Santa. Christmas is early bebeh!

I would be more than happy to share you few blogs that I have been eyeing on and some of the blogs that I make some purchase. So far, I've never been cheated, unlike other shoppers. Pity them =(

I remembered that I had difficulty in paying for this dress because at that time, my CIMB clicks was not functioning really well (problems with TAC number and all) and so I asked my brother to pay for it first. And once it arrived, it's kinda tight for me, especially at the arm area so I waited so patiently to wear it and voila! I can wear it now!

I chose the middle one and I'm quite happy with it. However, it comes with hefty price-RM 65 for a dress (postage included) but you do get a 10% rebate for the next buy which I haven't done mine since my last purchase. But definitely recommended for y'all to buy cute dresses and shoes and bags from this blog!

I came across with this blog from the Vanity :: Mask and I am stuck to this blog till now. This blog offers different kind of bags at very reasonable price. On the day that I made purchase, they had this offer where the postage fee is free!! Well, you know, normally they will charge you RM 6 per bag and when I was being notified about this, I straightly bought this two bags.

So I bought this one. There're two colours- brown and black but I chose the latter one.

Arhhh..I couldn't find find the other bag that I purchased. Maybe it's out of stock already. It's a white rectangular bag with spacious compartment. I can put my 2 liter tupperware bottle inside the bag. At the price between RM 20- 60, it's quite a deal for a handbag. Go and view it yourself. You sure gonna love it. Oh I am drooling over the bags!

Perhaps the most items I have ever shopped come from this blog site! Quite a number actually because I love the seller. No, I didn't know her and haven't met her in person but she's just a nice lady! The items come with very affordable price. The items can be brand new with tag or preloved items: clothes, baju kurung, shoes, handphones, you name it!. But either way, this blog is definitely worth to look at. So some of the items that I bought from her are as belows:

Nine West bag for RM180! The original price was RM320. So I'm quite happy with the bargain :)

This dress was only for RM 30 (free postage). It's a long dress and I wore it during extra class.

I've always loved silk dress and to get this for RM 20 and free postage, I couldn't say no. It's quite short actually so I wore it with brown slack and black skirt.

She also gave free gift to me, a cool t-shirt and a cute keychain :) So just go and check this blog yeah.

It was my first time buying cosmetic stuff from the online. Knowing her exquisite taste, I decided to purchase Stila Lip Glaze (bubble gum flavor) and I loved this product although it came in small package.

(I couldn't find the picture of stila lip glaze from her blog but it's similar to this)

I also bought Stila's can where I can put my mascara, eyeliner, brushes for only RM 10 :) I love it!

This is not the can that I bought, but yes for the size :) It's so useful. At first I thought of buying it for my stationaries. Tapi sayangnyerrrr nak letak pen segale bagai, so I put my make-up kits instead :)

I bought my first baju kurung from this blog. And the main reason was to wear it on my convocation day. I wanted something bright and striking and of course with affordable price and great bargain. So I got this baju kurung moden at RM 99. Quite cheap eh :) Free postage plak tue :)

Who doesn't like free gift, right? I happened to come across with this blog site. Well I have been an avid reader to this blogger because I loved her story/ life. So when she opened her shopping blog, quickly I browsed and found out that she's giving away her stuff for free! Well I need to pay for the postage but it's okay. I knew that many people out there would want this free gift so I decided to email her and ask for luck. And I got it! I chose East India Company Pale Blue Top.

I haven't wear this top, but soon I will :) Thanks ya for the free gift Wanie!

I also bought few shawls, too many actually but too tired to post it here. You can find lots of blog sites that sell shawls (though I find it pretty much cheaper to buy it on your own)

So currently, I loved preloved stuff. You know, stuff that have been used before. This blog site, particularly, is the one that really, really, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllyyy caught my eyes at the moment. The dresses here are too cute!

preloved bargain offers dresses, tops, jackets at price below RM 20. That's really good eh? But most of the dresses come in small size (S to M) so it's going to take quite some times for me to buy them sebab takut x muat. Until I get my ideal weight and size, I have to put on hold to it.

Too cute but too small...sigh :(

So that's all my online shopping spree. Remember, if you want to buy baju kurung, please know you size first before you do any purchase, takut nnti kecewa. :)

And do communicate with the sellers, ask about the items that you're interested in to buy before any bookings been made because they're seriously detest back out buyers. So if you don't want your name to be blacklisted, do ask first. That's what I always did. Ask before buy =)

Bear in mind that you do need an online bank account, easy to the payment and all. And ask for tracking number. Senang nak track your parcel.

Anyway, happy shopping! Don't follow your heart ok? It's so tempting I know, but you need to know the limit. Like macamla diri ni boleh tahan godaan..hehehe I'm not the best person to give advice but I'm speaking from my experience.

Oh yea, besides blog sites, you can always shop through FB. People are selling their stuffs on FB too.

Rase macam nk bukak jer kedai satu. Online la, tp ade ke org nak beli? hehehe..


p/s: Shop at your own risk :{


Oh I just hate it when the font is changing!

I am kind of person where everything has to be the same.

So if I'm using this font, it needs to be that way.

Notice the different between the two previous posts?

I couldn't figure it out how to fix it.


Oh I also hate the fact that tomorrow is Sunday and I need to go to work. Bummer!

Can time flies so slow?

Slow it down please!

A typical Saturday


Here's just a brief detail on what I normally do on Saturday.

9.00 am

+ Wake up
+ Tidy up my bed
+ Take my bath (brush my teeth and face)
+Wash my hair
(I wash my hair every two days because I am too lazy to blow them :P)
+ Brush the toilet bowl and the toilet floor

Wake up time normally depends on my dream and what time I go to sleep the night before. 9 am is considered as early but I used to wake up at noon (=P) especially during the holiday. Best woo bangun lambat because breakfast dah ready..tehee =)

+ Choose what to wear
+ Put on toner and mosturizer
(I'm using Hada Labo products- including the face foam)
+ Blow my hair

Choosing what to wear is essential because I need comfortable clothes for the activity during the whole day. Baggy clothes and pants (not short/hot pants arrrrr...nnt pengsan mak =) ) are my top choice because easy to move =P
10 am
+ Separate my laundry into two parts: hand wash and machine wash
+ Throw my laundry in the washing machine
+ Leave it there, soak for about 10 minutes (mak cakap kene rendam dulu so that bagi baju tu kembang and jangan letak sabun atas baju nnt nampak tompok putih atas baju. Baiklah!)
+ Soak my hand wash clothes into the basin- also soak for about 10 minutes
+ Walk to the kitchen
+ Prepare my shake
+ Start doing my laundry-both hand wash and machine wash
+ Hang the clean clothes
+ Lepak depan tv (my favourite part!)

(oh I don't eat normal food for breakfast. Instead, I take Herbalife shake, follow by a green apple just to start my day and drink about 3 liters of plain water, mix with lemon tea and believe me I am so full!)

+ Walk to the kitchen again
+ Prepare what to eat for lunch
(lunch either nasi or mee)
+ Do my work
+ Drink another 1200ml of water
+ Relaxing

(In between I go to do toilet quite a lot!!! because need to pee. So tiring but at least I know my bladders are doing their work- clean all the toxics inside my body)

+ Wash the front porch
+ Angkat baju di jemuran
+ Iron my clothes for 5 days (baju kurung for work)
+ Relax again until Maghrib

+ Take my bath again and ready for prayer
+ Relax again

+After Isya', go straight to the kitchen and prepare my shake (for my dinner)
+ Watch tv while munching an apple and drink another 1 liter of water
+ Go to slumber land around 10.30pm because tomorrow has to go to work =(

So all in all, if you know how to do your Math, I drink almost 5 liter of water a day (only applicable for weekend) and perhaps 3 liter on weekdays (because have to go to work).

However, this is just my typical Saturday. Kadang-kadang byk tinggal jer. Tapi bab makan Herbalife tu, yes I am so strict with my diet =)

And yeah, I do spring cleaning every forth night. So normally I have to wake very early, around 7am and do the mopping, vacumming and whatnot in every single area of the house (penat okes!) . It will take about 3 hours to complete this and just in time for my breakfast!

Jus Pelangsingan


I browse my FB just now and my eyes caught to this one advertisement which entitled " Pelbagai Jus Pelangsingan"

I mean wow.. the word "Pelbagai" is such a strong word.

Why? well it connotes that this company sells not one but many types of slimming product.

Normally a company will focus on one product/branding and work hard to improve this product but this company produce different types of slimming product which mainly the ones that we have to goncang-goncang (shake-shake).

Entah betul ke tidak entah produk tuh. ?

Speaking of this, I am myself a Herbalife user and I'm quite pleased with the outcome.
I've tried Jusmate before I revert myself to Herbalife.

Jusmate just didn't work for my body system. Unlike Herbalife.

I noticed the difference on my third day of consuming this product. I lost one kilo!


The taste is quite good too. Best sedap. I chose chocolate for Formula 1 and boy it tastes so yummy especially when you mix with Homesoy drink.


But it's quice pricey though. Approximate RM 400 per month. =(

That cost a burn in my pocket.

Sigh! I need more moolah!

Paul the Apostle

So everyone has been talking about this cute little (literally) fella, Paul the Apostle.

I am not sure what kind of octopus that Paul is, but he has sexy eyes hehehe (that's what my mom told me)

Anyhoo, his ability to predict the World Cup 2010's results was beyond imagination. I mean how could this thing with 6 (or 7?) tentacles know the result? I mean on what basis does he choose the winning team?

Dia just berenang-renang (which look to me like poll dancing-kinda sexy hehehe) then sit on the box that he wants to sit.

And later you know, that team under his ass won!

Meet Paul, the octopus. He chose Spain not his own country Germany during the semi final the other day. Speaking of traitor eh?

To be frank, I am quite happy with his prediction because Spain (yeah baby Spain!) manages to get to the final!!!!

More hot guys on the field!!

And so I heard that Paul predicts (again) that Spain will win this year World Cup, leaving the Dutches nganga..hehehehe

Let's hope his prediction this time will be truee!!

p/s: Argentineans want to kill Paul. Wow seriously guys you want to see Maradona's naked butt and sausage?? Eeeewww..ehehehe

Penjara Pudu


I know I have been neglecting everything that happen around me lately. Well not everything but I cannot forgive myself by ignoring the fact that Penjara Pudu or was known as Penjara Goal, was demolished last month.

My heart just shattered once I found out about this ( I know it's too late now) because that place is like gem to our nation.

Unlike other prison, this prison once had the infamous prisoners like Botak Chin, Mona Effendy to name a few (sebab tau name yang ni jer and malas nak google..hehehe) and they were sentenced to death!

This prison once opened to the public but only for a short period of time and I missed the chance to 'visit' this place because I was so small back then.


And now, they want to build a massive shopping complex (like macam Kay El tu dah x da shopping complex padahal melambak je) and residential area for expatriate.

Wonder if they have good sleep eh?

And also wonder what will happen to the developer workers during the process of build the buildings?

Huhuhuhu..scary thoughts!

But yeah, once a again, it proves that we are still not appreciate things that we have (buhuuuu!!!) because the everyone claims that the prison is like our heritage value.

Hence, higher authority didn't think that way. Perhaps things happen for some reasons that they only know.

Perhaps so..

Slow motion


Despite the "selow-ness" of my broadband, I managed to upload photos on my Facebook.

I'm amazed with that because normally it's very hard to browse my favourite sites.

I am thankful for that since I haven't paid the bill for two months now =)

Not enough salary :(

Government should raise the salary please! We're your servant and we try our best to give best service to the customers so a small appreciation (in the form of rising the salary) is very much appreciated. hehehe

oh please yea?

Friday, July 9, 2010


So I just paste the Nuffnang banner on top and bottom of my blog.

Just so you know, Nuffnang is the Asia first blog advertising community and they are expanding more and more across the regions!

By clicking on the banner, you are eligible to view hundreds of advertisement and catch good bargains because at Nuffnang, they offer you a tremendous choices that you can make before you do any purchase.

They help you to shop (!) and at the same time they help you to be wise in spending your money.

How cool is that? Especially at this time around where everything is so pricey.

So what are you waiting for? Go and click on the banner and start shopping!

p/: yippe! I am officially one of the Nuffnangers! Can't wait to write an advertorial one day =)
finger cross!!


So friends around me have started their postgraduate programme which is Master.

I feel the sudden urge to continue my study too.

But heck, it's going to be an hectic life as it involves with such amount of times and books and papers and whatnot.

And I am still adjusting with working life now.

Plus I don't have driving license yet so it's kinda hard for me to go to college and here and there.

So I can wait for it right? Just put on hold first. Once I got my license then I will reconsider the options.

Hope so. Finger cross =p

p/s: my English sucks nowadays =( I need books to strengthen my vocabs.


Just happen to say that I love rainbow. hehehehe

Do you love rainbow??

Rainbow just makes my day.

Seeing that colours (7 of them) makes me happy :)

I wish that I could see a rainbow now but it's dark outside and I believe there's no rainbow for me tonight =(

If you can see clearly, there's actually two rainbows there. What a rare to see that yeah?
and this picture was taken by me (not from some random website), using ciput camera. wish i have dslr to capture this huhuhu..


While deciding on how to make my blog looks 'pretty', I've just discovered that I don't like green.

It looks awful!

I'm sorry green lovers, I just hate green :(

p/s: but I do like green grass, green trees, and Patrick's green short pant (Spongebob's friend, the starfish).

A brief introduction

To be frank, this is my third blog since I ventured myself into blogging world.

The first one, I used blogspot and then I moved to wordpress.

And now I'm back to blogspot.

I know some of you might think that I ain't committed enough to stuck with one blog.

But you're sooo true about it.

I am kind of girl who gets easily fed-up with..err well almost everything.

And blogging is one of them :(

But insyallah this would be the last time I change my blog and to my friends (previous readers) hopefully you will be able to find this site.

Just google-d my name yeah.

Oh mane nye introduction ek?


about me (just briefly)

a twenty-something girl.

a working girl.

a never-say-NO- girl.

a beautiful girl.

basically i'm a girl.

So yeah happy to know yeah :)

Salam and Welcome

I am in the midst of revamping this blog.

I have nothing to offer but perhaps sharing things that happen around my life.

So yeah welcome :)